CRO Tips to Run an Effective Team Call (+ Revenue Meeting Agenda Template)

Alper Yurder
June 20, 2024
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We all wish some meetings could have been an email. However, not all team meetings are a waste of time. Weekly revenue team meetings are essential for keeping everyone on the same page, helping people from different departments see the bigger picture, and keeping everyone motivated.

But how do you make sure your team sync is productive and fun?

In this post, we will be sharing our very own revenue team meeting agenda template for you to steal and adapt along with some pro tips to make your catch-ups effective and engaging. But first, let’s talk about the role of revenue team meetings for a pre-seed startup like ours.

Why should you have revenue team meetings as a startup?

Being a lean pre-seed stage startup, we always strive to make the most of our team catch-ups. That is why we’ve decided to have joint revenue team meetings covering sales, marketing, and CS activities. 

These meetings bring together different perspectives to align our strategic efforts and push our growth forward. By combining insights from all areas of the company, we streamline how we work, use our resources better, and focus everyone on achieving our goals.

These meetings also encourage teamwork by making sure everyone understands what's happening across the company. This helps us react quickly to changes in the market and what our customers need. Plus, we celebrate successes together, which keeps our team motivated and committed to giving our customers the best service possible. 

Overall, these joint meetings are crucial for helping us work together, come up with new ideas, and succeed as a startup.

screenshot from a team meeting

Revenue team meetings best practices

Before we get to the agenda, let’s quickly cover some of the best practices for those of you who are only planning to add revenue sync call to your team’s calendar. 

  • Frequency: Weekly meetings are typically effective for keeping everyone updated and aligned with ongoing activities and goals. Yet, it’s better to aim for regularity without overwhelming schedules. So you can also consider fortnightly catch-ups if you feel like decreasing the frequency.
  • Duration: Keep meetings focused and efficient, ideally, aiming for 45 to 60 minutes to cover essential updates and action items without losing participants' attention.
  • Agenda: Establish a structured agenda in advance and stick to it. Include up to 5 sections for celebrating wins, discussing challenges, reviewing metrics, and planning ahead. This ensures that meetings are productive and stay on track.
  • Attendance: Ensure at least key stakeholders from sales, marketing, customer success, and leadership are present. Their perspectives are crucial for comprehensive decision-making and strategy alignment.
  • Engagement: Encourage active participation from all team members. Foster an environment where ideas are welcomed, and discussions are constructive. This not only promotes collaboration but also generates innovative solutions.
  • Action items: Conclude each meeting with clear action items and responsibilities. Assign tasks, set deadlines, and follow up on progress in subsequent meetings to maintain accountability and momentum.

By following these best practices, you can conduct effective revenue team meetings that drive alignment, foster collaboration, and accelerate growth in a structured and purposeful manner.

Step-by-step Revenue Meeting Agenda Template

To make sure your revenue team meetings are productive and effective, follow this detailed agenda template. Each section is designed to cover all essential aspects of your revenue operations and keep your team aligned and motivated.

Level up your team meetings
Get a free copy of our revenue team meeting agenda template.
  1. Wins of last week

Start on a positive note by celebrating the team's accomplishments from the previous week. Highlight any new logos (closed/won opportunities), notable sign-ups (inbound and outbound), and new users. Recognizing these wins boosts morale and sets an optimistic tone for the meeting.

  1. Demand generation update

Provide a comprehensive update on demand generation activities. Discuss the outreach efforts, including email and LinkedIn activities, and share the numbers. Review content marketing efforts and their respective metrics. Highlight any significant learnings or successes from the week to inform and inspire the team.

  1. Marketing update

Move on to discuss the key marketing activities from the past two weeks and outline the strategic focus for the next two weeks. Share upcoming or planned activities and campaigns. Include engagement highlights and competitive analytics to provide a broader market perspective and keep the team informed about the competition.

  1. Sales update

Next, dive into the sales metrics by reviewing new logos acquired. Discuss high-priority deals that need attention and any new expansions. Assign account names to specific team members to ensure accountability, adhering to the "one person, one account" principle. Ensure that revenue for each deal is properly entered to maintain accurate records in your revenue tracking system.

Pro tip: Use tools like HubSpot to track your monthly pipeline and revenue progress. Monitor leads, Product Qualified Leads (PQLs), and opportunities. Compare net new revenue against expansion revenue to gauge overall growth and sustainability. This step helps keep the team focused on targets and provides a clear view of performance.

  1. Highlights of the week

End the meeting with inspiring updates from the founders. This might include a user story of the week to highlight how your product or service is making a difference. Such stories can inspire the team and remind everyone of the bigger mission behind their daily tasks. 

How to zhuzh up your team meetings: 6 pro tips

It’s easy for a team to go in "do" mode and lose sight of the bigger picture. Yet, your meetings can still be more than just routine check-ins. 

To address this, here are a few sales meeting ideas and tips to make your team catch-ups more engaging and enjoyable.

1. Celebrate small wins

Take time to acknowledge and celebrate the successes of the past week. This can boost morale and motivation across the team.

Did someone secure a new meeting or receive a public shout-out? Highlighting these moments can reinforce positive behaviors and encourage others to strive for similar achievements. Did the team discover an innovative solution to a problem? Celebrating collaborative efforts can foster a sense of unity and collective pride.

Even minor victories can have a significant impact. Spend time appreciating these small successes to maintain a positive and encouraging work environment.

2. Reflect on learnings

It's easy to forget important lessons if we don't take the time to reflect on them. Encourage your team to share their experiences at the end of each week.

Ask team members to summarize their highlights, lowlights, and key learnings from the week. This can be done in a brief format, such as a five-sentence summary. Reflecting on both successes and challenges helps identify areas for improvement and reinforces valuable lessons.

3. Ensure everyone is on the same page

Clear communication is crucial to avoid misunderstandings and ensure that everyone is aligned.

Use a reliable tool, like the Flowla dashboard, to track the progress of every deal and monitor important signals. This ensures that all team members have access to the same information.

If a dedicated dashboard is not available, a simple PowerPoint presentation can also serve as a reference point to keep everyone informed.

4. Use a shared planning board

Implement a planning board that the entire team can access to create clarity and accountability for upcoming tasks.

A shared planning board provides visibility into what tasks are planned for the next week, ensuring everyone knows what to expect.

This tool also helps in efficient resource allocation, making sure that all tasks are properly supported and deadlines are met.

5. Encourage innovation

Foster an environment where innovation is valued and team members feel safe to explore new ideas. Cultivate a culture where team members can present both good and bad ideas without fear of criticism. This openness encourages creative thinking and problem-solving.

Give individuals the autonomy to experiment with new approaches, which can lead to breakthrough innovations and improvements.

6. Have regular catch-ups

Schedule frequent check-ins throughout the week to maintain an efficient workflow and gather ongoing feedback.

Regular catch-ups allow the team to address any issues or challenges in real time, ensuring that tasks are progressing smoothly. These meetings provide an opportunity for everyone to share their opinions and contribute to the ongoing tasks, promoting a collaborative work environment.

Level up your team meetings
Get a free copy of our revenue team meeting agenda template.

Wrapping up

Effective revenue team meetings are more than just routine updates — they're the heartbeat of collaboration and growth in a startup. 

By fostering regular communication, celebrating successes, and tackling challenges together, these meetings ensure that every team member is aligned and empowered to contribute meaningfully. Keeping them focused, engaging, and action-oriented not only boosts morale but also propels the company towards its goals with renewed energy and clarity. 

So, embrace the rhythm of effective meetings, and watch your startup flourish with every productive session.

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