How to Boost Your Sales Velocity: 3 Strategies to Close Deals Faster

Patrick Trümpi
October 1, 2024
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In the world of long-winged, complex sales, the pace at which deals move can make or break a business. While factors like buyer engagement and overall momentum play significant roles, sales velocity often doesn’t get the attention it deserves. It’s a critical metric that reflects the speed of your sales cycle, and when it slows down, opportunities can slip through your fingers.

Think about it: how often have you encountered prospects who seem interested but never quite take the next step? The reasons behind this can vary, but most of them can be fixed by tweaking your approach.

In this post, I’ll break down three essential strategies — clear communication, building trust, and uncovering urgency — that will boost your sales velocity and get your deals moving faster through the funnel. Let’s take a closer look at what drives sales velocity and how you can leverage these insights to improve your outcomes.

1. Enhance communication

A significant reason deals stall in the sales funnel is poor communication from salespeople. When interactions are vague or overly cautious, it can create uncertainty in prospects, leading to hesitance and indecision

The way sales professionals interact with prospects can significantly impact deal velocity. Here are four actionable tips to enhance your communication style and accelerate your sales process:

1. Be direct and purposeful

Clear and confident communication is key to making your intentions known. Using vague language can confuse prospects and hinder their engagement. Instead, be upfront about the purpose of your conversation.

💡 Tip: Instead of saying, “I am just checking in,” use, “The reason for my call is…”

This not only sets a clear agenda but also shows that you value the prospect's time. By establishing a direct purpose for your call, you create a more structured conversation that helps move the deal forward.

2. Ask specific questions

Encourage deeper engagement by posing specific questions that prompt thoughtful responses. This helps you gather valuable insights into the prospect’s needs and challenges while demonstrating your expertise.

💡Tip: Rather than asking, “Do you have some questions so far?” try, “From what you have seen so far, do you see any value for you?”

This approach invites the prospect to reflect on their experience with your offering and articulate their thoughts. It opens the door for more meaningful discussions and allows you to address any concerns directly.

3. Foster collaboration

Encourage a collaborative atmosphere in your conversations to build a sense of partnership. When prospects feel like they are part of the decision-making process, they are more likely to engage positively with your solutions.

💡 Tip: Instead of saying, “Should we continue the discussion?” try, “Based on everything you’ve told me about your situation, I think it makes sense to continue the dialogue. Let’s set up a demo next week—who else should we invite from your team?”

This fosters collaboration and ownership of the process, making the prospect feel involved and invested in the outcome.

4. Be responsive and attentive

Timely responses are crucial in maintaining momentum during the sales process. If a prospect expresses hesitation or requires additional information, address their needs promptly to keep the conversation flowing.

💡Tip: If they say they need to think about a proposal, respond with, “It sounds like you are not sure about the decision yet. Most people need to think this over, but I have a slot tomorrow at 2 PM to discuss your decision — does that work for you?”

This not only shows your attentiveness to their concerns but also keeps the conversation active, preventing any potential stall in the sales process.

Effective communication is a vital component of driving sales velocity. By prioritizing clarity, building trust through assertive language, ensuring responsiveness, and creating urgency, sales professionals can enhance their effectiveness and move deals through the funnel more swiftly. Mastering these communication strategies can make a significant difference in achieving sales success.

2. Build trust

Trust plays a pivotal role in influencing a buyer's final decision during the sales process. When prospects feel secure and confident in their interactions with you, they are more likely to move forward in the funnel. Here are some actionable strategies to build trust and accelerate your sales velocity:

  • Provide clear guidance on what comes next. By confidently suggesting the next steps, you demonstrate your expertise and commitment to helping the prospect navigate the buying journey. At the end of each interaction, summarize the key points discussed and propose a clear action. 
  • Personalize demos for their use case. When you showcase a solution that directly addresses their unique challenges, it reinforces the idea that you understand their business and are committed to their success. Before the demo, ask specific questions about their needs and use those insights to customize your presentation.
  • Respond promptly to requests. Timeliness is a crucial factor in building trust. Make it a practice to acknowledge all inquiries promptly, even if you need more time to provide a comprehensive answer. A simple message like, “Thanks for your question! I’ll get back to you with a detailed response by the end of the day” shows that you value their time.
  • Proactively build a business case. Taking the initiative to create a business case without the client asking demonstrates your commitment to their success and positions you as a trusted advisor. After discussing the prospect’s pain points, present a preliminary business case that highlights potential ROI or value. 
  • Summarize key points regularly. Regularly summarizing what you’ve discussed can reinforce trust and ensure alignment. This practice helps clarify any misunderstandings and shows that you are actively listening. 
  • Ask open-ended questions. Engaging prospects with thoughtful questions not only gathers valuable information but also builds rapport. Using their answers to guide further questions can create a more dynamic and trust-building conversation.
  • Share relevant insights. Sharing insights from similar clients can establish credibility and show that you have a track record of delivering results. This strategy helps prospects feel more confident in your expertise. 
  • Be transparent about pricing. When prospects ask about pricing, being open and transparent can significantly enhance trust. Withholding information can raise red flags and create uncertainty.
  • Facilitate expert connections. Connecting prospects with internal experts can enhance their learning experience and show that you are invested in their success. If appropriate, offer to introduce them to an internal expert who can provide additional insights. 

By implementing these strategies to build trust, you not only create a more engaging sales process but also significantly enhance deal velocity. A trusted relationship accelerates decision-making and fosters long-term partnerships that benefit both parties.

3. Uncover urgency

Creating a sense of urgency in sales is often a daunting challenge, but here's a crucial insight: urgency is not something you can manufacture; it’s about revealing what's already there. The key lies in understanding your prospect's circumstances and motivations, and then using targeted strategies to highlight the importance of acting swiftly. 

Here are five strategies to help you uncover that urgency and accelerate your sales process:

1. Never leave a meeting without scheduling the next one

Make it a habit to insist on this practice and provide a clear rationale for why it benefits them. For instance, say, “Given our discussion, it would be beneficial for us to reconnect next week to dive deeper into your needs. When works for you?”

If you're successfully booking 95% of your next meetings, your approach is working well. If not, it may be time to refine your technique.

2. Focus on impact during discovery

Use your discovery calls to probe deeper into the potential consequences of inaction. Ask pointed questions such as:

  • “What would happen if you don’t change the status quo?”
  • “Which KPIs are most affected by the challenges we discussed?”
  • “Besides customer satisfaction, what other impacts does this challenge have?”

By highlighting the business implications, you can create a more compelling case for urgency, especially when larger financial stakes are involved.

3. Organize value workshops

After a demo, gather key users or managers for a value workshop. Structure the session around the following agenda:

  • Introduce participants, clarify goals, and set the agenda.
  • Discuss the “Why,” “How,” and “What” of your solution.
  • Have participants write down their use cases.
  • Facilitate a discussion to prioritize these use cases.
  • Define the top three use cases and their impact.
  • Collect feedback and schedule the next meeting.
  • This collaborative approach not only deepens engagement but also underscores the urgency of implementing solutions.

4. Know your sales process inside and out

Familiarize yourself with your sales process from start to finish. A streamlined process might look like this:

  • Discovery call
  • Demo call
  • Workshop/proof of concept/ROI meeting
  • Proposal presentation
  • Business case presentation (Economic Buyer)
  • Decision meeting board
  • Legal, compliance & negotiation

By mastering this process, you can confidently guide prospects through each stage, suggesting the next steps based on your established framework. For example, you might say, "Typically, after our demo, we move to a proposal presentation. When would be a good time to schedule that?"

5. Ask for referrals strategically

Before each meeting, identify three companies you want to target and check if your prospect has connections there. At the end of your conversation, say something like, “I noticed you’re connected to X and Y. Would you mind if I sent them greetings from you? I think our solution could be a great fit for them as well.” 

This not only expands your network but also emphasizes urgency, as referrals typically have a higher win rate.

urgency cheatsheet banner
10 Effective Tactics to Create Urgency in Sales [Cheat Sheet]

Wrapping up

Incorporating these strategies into your sales process can significantly enhance your sales velocity. By enhancing your communication style, building trust with prospects, and uncovering urgency, you’ll create a more efficient and impactful sales experience. 

Remember, it’s not just about pushing deals through the funnel; it’s about fostering genuine connections and understanding your buyers' needs. Implement these tactics consistently, and you’ll find yourself not only closing more deals but also cultivating long-lasting relationships that drive future success. Start today, and watch your sales velocity soar!

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