New in Flowla: Social Bar 👀

Dilara Basaran
August 25, 2023
0 min read
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Design with a screenshot from a flow, with the new Social Bar highlighted.

Table of contents

What is the Social Bar?

A snapshot from a flow with the social bar on the right-hand side highlighted.

Social bar is the new section we’ve added to the right-hand side of flows to unite all social aspects of the flow in one place.

Our goal was to create a single area where you can have a holistic view of your stakeholders and all your conversations with them, and manage everything with ease. 🔍

Which means the comments bar you’re used to seeing on the bottom of the flows is now one of the tabs on the social bar.

Social bar allows you to:

  • See a detailed list of everyone in the flow 📜
  • Add people to the flow - no need for them to do anything 👩🏻‍💻
  • Catch up on all flow conversations 💬
  • Add video or text annotations 📝

P.S.: Anyone you add to the flow via the social bar is able to view the flow and collaborate on it, participate in the conversations, and will receive notifications whenever it concerns them.

Contact Enrichment

A snapshot of a flow social bar panel open, with a list of contacts, and their names, titles, photos.

We know just seeing a flow visitor’s email on insights was not very informative or actionable for you. 💭

So in connection to the social bar, we’ve also enabled contact enrichment for every person added to the flow.

Anyone who is on a flow will now go through an enrichment process. We fetch all data from LinkedIn and a few other services to add:

  • Profile photos
  • Names 
  • Titles
  • Headlines

All of this rich contact data will be shown in the flow social bar, as you can see from the image above.

Our goal was to help you recognize decision makers and other key individuals with ease, so surprise stakeholders don’t stall your deals, and you can drive action more easily.  💪

📝 Assign tasks directly to companies

A closeup of the dropdown list that pops up when users are assigning a task owner.

We noticed that sometimes it’s more convenient for you to assign tasks directly to your target company, rather than individuals.

So we made sure that when you’re selecting a task owner, you have both options to choose from.

This is now especially easier, because now that the social bar keeps a list of all stakeholders involved in the flow, you now have a dropdown list to select from when assigning tasks.

You can assign tasks directly to an entire organization, or multiple individuals, with no need to manually enter any data. ⚡️

💡 P.S.: If a flow has the target company as the task owner on certain action points and you duplicate that flow, the new flow's target company automatically gets assigned those tasks. This way you can speed up your processes even more!

See it in action

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