Onboarding Kickoff Meeting: Laying the Foundation for Customer Success

Nir Kalish
July 11, 2024
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Onboarding is a critical phase in the customer journey, serving as the foundation stone for the entire relationship. For me, the kickoff meeting isn't just an essential part of onboarding; it's the linchpin for establishing long-lasting customer satisfaction and loyalty. Conducted correctly, it minimizes churn risk, reduces frustration, and maintains momentum, setting the stage for a successful partnership.

In this comprehensive blog post, we'll dive deep into why the onboarding kickoff is so crucial, who should be involved, and how to structure the meeting to ensure you lay a solid foundation.

Why the project kickoff meeting is critical for onboarding

The onboarding kickoff is your first substantial interaction with the customer post-sale. This meeting is your chance to set the tone for the relationship, clarify expectations, and align both parties on the goals and outcomes. It’s the moment where the promise of your product or service begins to materialize.

  1. Setting expectations: Misaligned expectations can lead to dissatisfaction and churn. The project kickoff meeting is where you ensure that what was sold is what will be delivered.
  2. Building relationships: Establishing trust and rapport from the outset is essential. The kickoff allows the customer to meet the team who will be guiding them, creating a human connection that is harder to break.
  3. Clarifying success criteria: Both sides need to agree on what success looks like. This involves discussing business challenges, success metrics, and how your solution will address them to ensure customer happiness.
  4. Ensuring engagement: Early engagement is a strong predictor of long-term success. A well-executed kickoff meeting sets the stage for active participation from the customer.
Get your copy of the kickoff meeting agenda template by Nir Kalish

Who should attend the customer success kickoff call

For the kickoff meeting to be effective, having the right participants from both your side and the customer’s side is crucial. Here’s a breakdown of who you should invite to the call:

From your side:

  1. Account Executive (AE): The AE should introduce the post-sales team and provide context from the sales process.
  2. Customer Success Manager (CSM): The CSM is typically the main point of contact post-sale and should present the high-level onboarding process.
  3. Onboarding Manager: This role is responsible for the detailed execution of the onboarding plan.
  4. Technical Account Manager (TAM): If your product is technically complex, having a TAM can help address any technical concerns early on.
  5. Solutions Architect (SA): An SA can provide insights into how the product can be tailored to meet the customer's specific needs.
  6. Account Manager: If your organization has this role separate from the CSM, they can help ensure ongoing customer satisfaction and identify upsell opportunities.

From the customer’s side:

  1. Champion(s): These are the users who will manage the day-to-day relationship with your team. Their involvement is critical for smooth communication and implementation.
  2. Executive Buyer: This individual needs to be present to ensure alignment on the reasons for purchase, set the right expectations, and build initial relationships.
  3. Relevant Departments: Depending on your product, this might include IT, security, or other departments critical to the onboarding process.

The project kickoff meeting agenda

Having a structured flow ensures that all necessary topics are covered without the meeting dragging on unnecessarily. Here’s a suggested agenda:

  1. Introduction by AE

The AE sets the stage by introducing the team members who will take over the relationship post-sale. This transition is critical as it signals the handover from sales to customer success. A brief background on each member helps the customer understand who they will be working with and sets the tone for a collaborative relationship.

  1. CSM presentation

The CSM's role is to provide an overview of the onboarding journey. This includes outlining the steps involved, the expected duration, and the goals. By presenting a clear plan, the CSM helps the customer visualize the path to success, reducing anxiety and building confidence.

  1. Team introductions and roles

Each team member introduces themselves and explains their role. This not only humanizes the interaction but also clarifies who will be responsible for what. It helps in setting the right expectations and ensures that the customer knows who to reach out to for specific issues.

  1. Reasons for buying

This discussion focuses on the customer's pain points and the business challenges that led to the purchase. By revisiting these points, you ensure that the solution you deliver is aligned with the customer's expectations. It also serves as a reminder of the value proposition that was agreed upon during the sales process.

  1. Tech stack review

Understanding the customer's existing technology environment is crucial for a smooth onboarding. This review helps identify any potential integration issues early on and allows your team to plan accordingly. It also opens up opportunities for suggesting optimizations or additional features that might benefit the customer.

  1. Expectation setting

Clear communication of what the customer can expect from your team and what you need from them is vital. This includes response times, the level of support, and any resources you will require from the customer. Setting these expectations upfront avoids misunderstandings and ensures a smoother onboarding process.

  1. Onboarding timelines

Providing a detailed timeline with key milestones helps manage expectations and keeps the process on track. It gives the customer a clear sense of progress and helps in planning their resources. Regular updates and adherence to this timeline build trust and demonstrate your commitment to their success.

  1. Scheduling weekly syncs and retrospectives

Regular check-ins are essential for maintaining alignment and addressing any issues promptly. Scheduling these syncs during the kickoff meeting ensures that everyone is on the same page and committed to regular communication. Retrospectives provide an opportunity to review progress and make necessary adjustments.

  1. Additional resources

Providing additional CS resources such as support documentation, blogs, user guides, and status pages can greatly enhance the customer experience. These resources empower the customer to find answers independently and make the onboarding process smoother. Highlighting these resources during the kickoff ensures that the customer knows where to look for help.

  1. Next steps

Concluding the meeting with clear next steps ensures that the momentum is maintained. This includes scheduling the first sync call, assigning any immediate tasks, and confirming the next points of contact. Clear action items help in transitioning from planning to execution.

Get your copy of the kickoff meeting agenda template by Nir Kalish

Best practices for a successful customer success kickoff call

Before we wrap up, let’s talk about the pro tips and best practices for making every kickoff meeting effective and valuable.

  • Preparation — To ensure a successful kickoff meeting, start by thoroughly researching the customer's industry, market trends, and specific business context. This allows you to tailor your conversation to their needs. Identify the customer’s pain points and understand their goals by reviewing sales notes and any pre-meeting surveys. Clearly define your objectives to align your presentation with the customer's expectations. Internally, hold a team meeting to ensure everyone knows their roles and responsibilities, preventing confusion during the kickoff.
  • Personalization — Make the customer feel valued by personalizing the kickoff meeting. Create a custom agenda that reflects the customer’s specific goals and challenges. Share relevant case studies that resonate with their industry and focus on the features and benefits of your product that address their needs. Use the customer’s name frequently and acknowledge their specific concerns throughout the meeting to show your commitment to their success.
  • Engagement — Design the kickoff meeting to be highly interactive. Encourage questions and feedback from the start to create an open dialogue. Use visual aids like slides, diagrams, and live demos to make complex information more accessible. Plan interactive elements such as Q&A sessions and collaborative exercises to involve the customer actively. This not only keeps them engaged but also helps build a sense of partnership.
  • Follow-ups — Reinforce the discussions and commitments made during the kickoff with effective follow-up. Send a detailed summary of the meeting within 24 hours, including key points and assigned action items. Clearly outline the next steps with specific deadlines and responsibilities to maintain momentum. Schedule regular check-ins, such as weekly sync calls, to monitor progress and address any issues promptly. Establish a feedback loop where the customer can share their thoughts on the onboarding process, demonstrating that their input is valued and driving continuous improvement.


The onboarding kickoff is a pivotal moment in the customer journey. It sets the tone for the relationship, establishes expectations, and aligns both parties on the path to success. By involving the right people, following a structured agenda, and focusing on clear communication, you can build a strong foundation that leads to a long and successful partnership.

Investing time and effort into a well-executed kickoff meeting pays dividends in customer satisfaction and loyalty. Remember, the kickoff is not just a meeting; it's the beginning of a journey that, if started right, can lead to mutual growth and success.

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