The Importance of Online Scheduling Software in Sales Outreach

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September 26, 2024
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Sales outreach calls are just one of the many admin tasks that bog down today's sales teams. The right software can help you streamline your workflow and prioritize key sales activities.

You’ve got a great product, the perfect pitch, and an interested prospect—but what if slow scheduling is quietly killing your deals?

Sales professionals rank video calls among the top 5 most effective sales channels, but when it takes days to set up a meeting, prospects lose interest fast. Speeding up your scheduling process could be the key to keeping deals on track and boosting conversions.

So, how do you make scheduling work for you, not against you? In this article, you'll learn:

  • The current state of sales outreach
  • How efficient online scheduling software can speed up your sales process
  • Best practices for scheduling sales calls.

The current state of sales outreach

Sales outreach has come a long way from the days of simple cold calls and follow-up emails. What once worked in the past has now become part of a complex and multi-layered process that requires greater precision and adaptability.

Let’s explore the key challenges sales teams face today.

  • The scheduling struggle

Coordinating meetings has become a major pain point in sales outreach. The back-and-forth to lock in a meeting time often feels like a race against time, and time zones only add to the complexity.

By the time you finally secure a spot, the prospect’s interest may have waned, potentially costing you the deal. In a fast-paced sales environment, every minute counts—and losing time here could mean losing the deal altogether.

  • No-shows are frustratingly common

Even when a meeting time is confirmed, no-shows or last-minute cancellations are an all-too-common occurrence. Without automated reminders and confirmations, it’s easy for prospects to forget or deprioritize the meeting.

Each missed appointment wastes valuable time and stalls the momentum of your sales efforts, leaving your team scrambling to regain lost ground.

  • Leads go cold fast

Another challenge is related to the logistics of booking a meeting. As you know, sales are about speed. The longer it takes to book a meeting, the colder the lead becomes. 

Today’s hyper-competitive landscape means prospects have more options (vendors offering similar solutions), and if you don’t act fast, they’ll move on to a competitor who does. The window of opportunity is shrinking, and slow scheduling is one of the biggest threats to closing deals.

  • Juggling too many tools

Most sales teams today rely on a mix of tools—email, calendars, CRMs—and they don’t always integrate smoothly. This lack of integration results in information gaps that can lead to productivity losses, missed opportunities, or poorly timed follow-ups.

Reps might jump into calls without fully understanding the prospect’s background or needs, leading to ineffective conversations that lower the chances of closing a deal. Without a cohesive system to tie these tools together, sales outreach remains clunky and prone to errors, diminishing the effectiveness of every touchpoint.

How efficient online scheduling software can speed up your sales process

In light of the challenges we’ve discussed, it’s clear that sales teams must prioritize fast, efficient scheduling to remain competitive.

Here’s an in-depth look at the benefits of integrating online scheduling software into your sales tech stack.

Speed matters—more than you think

When a prospect shows interest, there’s a brief moment where they’re ready to engage. Responding and booking a meeting within minutes of that initial inquiry can significantly boost your chances of converting that lead into a customer.

However, when scheduling drags on—when it takes days just to agree on a time to talk—that enthusiasm fades. Suddenly, what was once a warm lead has cooled off. Quick, efficient scheduling gives you the ability to strike while the iron’s hot before your lead even thinks about reaching out to a competitor.

Free up your team for what really matters

Sales reps are spending over half their week—64%—on non-selling tasks, like handling admin work. And frankly, they shouldn't be. Their strengths are in building connections, identifying client challenges, and closing deals—not coordinating meeting times or back-and-forth scheduling. Yet, it's still a time-sink for many businesses.

On the one hand, it’s a productivity issue. On the other hand, it causes you to lose momentum. Every moment spent on scheduling is one less moment advancing prospects through the funnel.

You give prospects a sense of control

As a business, you should always be looking for ways to perfect the buyer journey.

One of the things today’s B2B buyers expect is autonomy in the sales process. They no longer tolerate rigid scheduling or the inefficiencies of back-and-forth emails.

Empowering prospects to book meetings through a scheduling tool gives them control over how and when they engage. Whether they secure time between meetings or after hours, they choose what fits their schedule best.

This level of flexibility is a key driver of sales acceleration. By reducing friction in the booking process, you eliminate delays and move deals forward faster, ultimately increasing your win rate.

Remove friction

Any time a process is difficult, people hesitate. They start to second-guess whether this is the right path and whether this is worth their time. In sales, hesitation can be deadly.

Every small inconvenience—like multiple emails just to book a meeting—introduces an opportunity for doubt. Removing friction from scheduling eliminates that pause. You make it easy for prospects to say “yes” to a conversation, which in turn makes it easier for them to stay engaged in the sales process.

Best practices for scheduling sales calls

Both the tools you use to book calls and your approach matter when it comes to sales outreach. To really optimize your sales process and keep those leads engaged, you’ll want to follow a few key practices when setting up your calls. 

Let’s unpack them below!

1. Offer clear and flexible time slots

When scheduling sales calls, it’s important to give your prospects options. Instead of asking them to suggest times, offer a clear set of available time slots that work for you but are also flexible enough to accommodate different schedules.

Online scheduling software can streamline this process by displaying your availability, allowing prospects to easily select a time without needing to email you. Remember, more options mean more chances to lock in a time that works.

2. Use time zone detection to avoid confusion

Scheduling sales calls can easily go wrong when time zones get mixed up, leading to missed meetings and frustrated prospects.

To avoid this, ensure your scheduling tool automatically detects and displays the prospect’s time zone. Doing so helps reduce no-shows and makes the entire scheduling process smoother.

3. Send automated reminders

A scheduled meeting—whether that’s a product demo or a discovery call—is only valuable if it happens. Prospects are busy, and it’s easy for them to forget about a call that was booked days in advance. This is where automated reminders come into play.

By sending a reminder a day or a few hours before the scheduled time, you significantly reduce the chances of a no-show. Many scheduling tools have built-in reminder features that ensure your prospect stays engaged and shows up.

4. Set up buffers between calls

Sales reps often try to fill their day with back-to-back meetings, but this can cause burnout and lower performance. A smart scheduling tip is to leave short breaks between calls.

These pauses give your team time to gather their thoughts, jot down important notes, and get ready for the next meeting. They also help if a meeting runs long.

5. Make rescheduling easy

Sometimes, things don’t go as planned, and prospects might need to reschedule because of something unexpected. Making it super easy for them to change their meeting time helps a lot. If they can quickly reschedule without having to call or email you, it avoids any hassle.

The easier you make it, the more likely they’ll stay interested and keep the conversation going, even if their schedule changes.

6. Follow up after the call

The call is just the beginning—what happens next can often determine whether the deal closes. Research shows that 80% of deals require at least five follow-ups after the initial meeting, yet nearly half of salespeople give up after just one attempt. Don’t be part of that statistic. Following up is one of the most effective ways to avoid losing winnable deals.

Within 24 hours of the call, send a personalized email. Recap the key points from your conversation, share the mutual action plan with the agreed-upon next steps, and include a clear call to action—such as setting up the next meeting, providing more information, or moving forward with the agreement.

Wrapping up

Sales outreach thrives on momentum, but how often do scheduling delays break that momentum? Consider your current process—are you making it as easy as possible for prospects to engage with you?

Streamlining scheduling can reduce friction, speed up your sales cycle, and ultimately improve your conversions. Now’s the time to take a hard look at your scheduling practices. A small adjustment today could result in major wins tomorrow.


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Paulina Major

Paulina grew up wanting to be a commercial pilot, but life steered her toward content writing. With a passion for tech and business, she’s found her calling in helping brands share their stories every day. Her non-negotiable? Morning coffee—because nothing starts without that first sip.

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