A one stop hub for your clients' entire relationship with you

For upsells, renewals, QBRs, and beyond. Get things done and grow your relationship with clients in a digital workspace that unites all the necessary resources.

Decorative design showing the CS use cases Flowla can be used for, over a snapshot of a flow link.

Modern CS teams reinvent their account management with Flowla

Bind logo
Tilt logo
timus logo
Fluid logo.
Doordeck logo
SourceScrub logo
Zeal logo.
Kondukto logo.
Storyly logo.
GrowDash logo
Insider logo.
UserGuiding logo.
Deel logo.
Antler logo.
Envisio logo.
Sourcemap logo.
Ikas logo.
Hiresweet logo
Supermood logo
Cambly logo

Anything you need, for any client-facing process.
All united in one digital link.

Design showing the CS use cases Flowla can be used for.

Personalized, custom-branded client portals in seconds

Flowla's client portals get instantly customized with your client's brand colors & logo.

Variables also let you automatically personalize content in seconds with:
- Target company name
- Stakeholders' names
- Your team members' contact info, and more.

Image showing Flowla's automatic personalization feature.
A screenshot from a Flowla chat.

Chat with clients in the space where you get things done

Flowla's built-in chat feature ensures all your conversations are in one place.

Discuss task items, answer questions, and resolve issues without leaving your workspace.

Recognize upsell opportunities & churns risks with reports

Flowla provides insights into your clients' behavior and engagement with unprecedented detail.

Identify your best point of contact, track progress, see which accounts are not engaged, and much more to unlock revenue growth.

Explore Reports & Analytics ->
Image showing Flowla's reporting capabilities.

Visit a real-life client portal:

Creating personalized client portals takes seconds with Autopilot 🚀

Save admin time and effort, while providing the same, standardized experience for each client.

Step 1:
Triggers create workspaces using your templates

Image showing Flowla's automatic flow creation process and example triggers.

Step 2:
Links are sent to clients via email on autopilot

Image showing Flowla's automatic email and flow sending function.

Step 3:
All activity & progress synced to CRM

Design showing Flowla's CRM sync capability.

Built to fit all your account management processes

Ready to provide a 5-star customer experience?

Your first 5 flows are free. No credit cards, no commitments.

Photos of Erdem & Alper.

Book some time with us

Please leave your work email, and you'll be viewing the available time slots in a minute.
X icon.